Humanitarian gesture by sport hunters

A group of sport hunters from the Calixto García branch of this municipality surprised the directors and workers of the Nicodemus Regalado Hospital in Buenaventura by delivering an important protein donation.

"We are very grateful, because in addition to valuing it as a nice gesture, this type of hen (known as guinea fowl) is ideal for the formulation of several combined diets, which some of the patients admitted here need", declared Gilbert Téllez Pupo, administrator of the aforementioned health facility.

More than 20 pounds of this type of meat, the total of the hunt carried out on Sunday in a preserve in the municipality of Cauto Cristo, in the sister province of Granma.

There is no doubt that gestures of this kind deserve full recognition, since it is no secret that the country is going through a difficult economic situation, mainly due to the diabolical blockade imposed by the government of the United States of America.

According to Marcos Santos Santisteban, former national skeet shooting champion, member of the provincial board of this federation and spokesman of the Calixteña branch, similar deliveries will soon be made to the Home for the Elderly and the Children's Circle of this locality.

By/ Iraldo Leyva Castro