Young Calixteños in cutting-edge work


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jovenes trabajo covid1Core issues of the youth organization to continue strengthening the work were analyzed in the Municipal Bureau of the Young Communist League (UJC) with an eye to the issues that today demand a different action to further add the youth to the tasks of the moment.

The preparation of officials and leaders to persuade and reach the base with the right message, the ways to strengthen the attention to young women, among others, occupied a good part of the reflections at a time when the United States government is stepping up its subversion policy.

Special mention was made of the work of young people in the red zone, the work of members of the José Martí art instructors brigade and the work of the Hermanos Saíz Association in times of pandemic.

Among the praises, the willingness to continue contributing in the first trench was also reaffirmed.

This was made known by Gretel Silva, an official of the UJC, who said she was proud of the tribute given by her colleagues as a stimulus to her work. "This recognition is also for all the young people of the people's council of Mir, real protagonists of the work of the organization. That is why in the coming days the same will be extended, which is also a new commitment to continue towards new victories."

The UJC Municipal Bureau was attended by Jesús Evio González Guerra, official of the UJC National Committee and Yanelis Rodríguez Paneque, First Secretary of the youth organization in the province.

Por/ Ariadna Hernández Pérez